Wuddah - Bible school teacher (@iamjoelwuddah)
AudioAfro Pop/GospelPromised and delivered!
Towards the tail end of the year, your number one gospel entertainer, Wuddah, promised his fans and music lovers a release of five singles off the Rapomedy album for their listening pleasure.
By mid December, Wuddah had released back to back a total of three singles (Rapomedy, Think about it and Favour) and surprisingly accompanying each song with awesome videos.
To put the icing on the cake before we enter 2021, the Rapomedy man is here to please you with the last two of the five, Show them something and Bible school teacher. Yes! It’s a double release!
Both songs are afro danceable tunes so you better get your dancing shoes on because the party has just started.
Be blessed and inspired as you enjoy these amazing songs.
#Rapomedy #Wuddaaaaaah #STS #BST #RapomedyAlbum
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