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Fifi Ababioposted a blog, Tue, 23 May, 2023

God's Love (@fifiababio)

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And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 8:38‭-‬39 NLT

This scripture always gets me thinking about why I became a Christian. Am I here because of money, protection, wisdom, a better life, power or fear of hell. What if we loose everything like our jobs, health, wealth, spouse, kidz, etc, will we still be able to continue in our love relationship with God and serve him as if nothing happened??? This a great question to be answered! 

However the above scripture isn't talking about our love for God but rather His loves grip on us. Apostle Paul shares his experience by saying he is fully convinced that nothing has capacity enough to separate us from God's love because of the overwhelming and unending nature of God's love if we truly understand it. If we ever lost any valuable thing or person in life, nothing compares to the overwhelming love that is released by God during that season. I lost my best friend who was more than a brother to me couple of years back and the pain almost drove me crazy. I almost quit the ministry and had no appetite for anything or for anyone. But in that season I had encounters with God that gave birth to a great evangelistic ministry that has over time given birth to a church that I'm pastoring currently. I'm not saying it was easy but I'm saying that the Love of God if you understand it , always has got us on locked down.  God's love is the Greatest!

Prayer: Thank you heavenly father for this revelation of your Love for me. I'm glad that I'm completely safe in your love. Thank you for loving me and keeping me loved. I ask and receive more revelations about your love so that I can completely understand and grow in Grace in Jesus Precious Name Amen!


Facts only bruh! May we all experience this love so deep, so wide, so high

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