Cohabiting isn't a sin. Fornication is. Grow Up.
BlogFornication isn't something that happens just like that. Your body isn't put in a trance or you lose control. It's just like every other sin we commit, you make up your mind to do it and then do it.
When you become a Born Again Christian, you CHOOSE to not smoke, you choose to not drink, you choose to not watch porn, you choose to not steal, you choose to not lie. Same way, choose to not have sex and stick with it. Does that mean, you become perfect, no, but it means you've set a goal and you are working towards achieving it. And with the help of the Holy Spirit, you will get there.
It's possible, let's stop making excuses because you want to indulge in the act of fornication instead of submitting your weakness to the spirit.
Cohabitation isn't a sin. Fornication is. Just because 2 people choose to stay together, doesn't mean they are fornicating. AND EVEN IF THEY ARE, how different is that from you watching porn, or smoking, or cheating or lying or clubbing or even fornicating with someone you aren't staying with? They are all sin and as Christians, we should be praying to overcome these fleshly desires, so that they don't have any hold on us anymore.
Ye though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I'll fear no evil, for though at with me.
Don't run away from evil, overcome it.
That's how you GROW UP.
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