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DJ JaySmoke (RJE)posted a blog, Mon, 08 Jul, 2024

Tithing is not a SIN

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Tithing is neither good nor bad. You are not stealing from God if you don't tithe. God's not gonna stop protecting you because you didn't tithe. And He certainly won't stop blessing you.

We are New Testament Christians and in the NT, the Bible teaches us to GIVE and it will be given to you. It doesn't say tithe and it will be given back to you. The main focus is in your giving, not in your tithing. You DECIDE in your heart what you want to give, and God will bless it press down, shaken together, running over. 

At the end of the day, it's a cheerful giver not tither that the Lord loves. So if you choose to give 1%, 30%, 100% it doesn't matter, just give.

Shalom 🙏🏾



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