DJ JaySmoke (RJE)posted a blog, Tue, 11 Sep, 2018
Follow DJ JaySmoke - The most important thing for every Born Again Christian is (@JaySmoke)
BlogI have come to believe without a doubt in my mind that the most important thing for every Believer, after becoming born again (saved) is to make as much money as possible. In other words, to become RICH.
Why do I say this, it's really simple. Money as they say makes the world go round. And in this dispensation, money is more or less the miracle answer to all our prayers. Doors open to you when you have money. People listen to you when you have money. Problems get solved when you have money. Take a look all around you, the problems of this world are not far-fetched. All it takes is the right amount of money and it will be fixed. Even the Tsunamis and Earthquakes. With the right amount of money, research is being carried out to find ways to prevent, detect or survive a future attack. If we all had money, there will be no need for wars! There will be no need for prostitution, racism, drugs etc. But that's a different story.
Yes the fasting, praying, tithing, offering, fellowshipping, evangelism, etc are all very good and they certainly are stuff we as Christians need to do to strengthen our spiritman and to further the Gospel, no doubt, but whilst doing all that, we cannot ignore the most important thing in our lives ie get RICH.
From Monday to Friday and even on weekends for some, we spend majority of our time doing things that will bring us money. We devote our lives to it because we know what it can do for us. But unfortunately not many will ever get to that level of wealth that can give the devil a major scare because we don't have the knowledge. And yes, rich Christians are some of the most feared on the devil's watchlist. He will do anything and everything in his power to make sure you never get rich. Because when you are born again and rich, the devil knows that he is in trouble. So everything he does is to make sure you don't get that paper. You can be all spiritual, tongue talking, Bible quoting etc but it doesn't faze the devil as much as being a heavy kingdom giver. And IMO, that's why we have very few rich Christians and lots of rich Jews and Arabs. And when I say rich Christians I mean;
Rich Christians who will give huge sums of money for kingdom business NOT church business.
Rich Christians who are creating jobs and changing lives through their wealth and IMPOSING the Gospel on them.
Rich Christian who are boldly declaring their faith and trust in the most high NOT as a God who mysteriously blesses them overnight, but as the God who gives them the wisdom and insight that helped them succeed.
The more of these we have in this world, the more say we have in the community and the more souls we can win for the kingdom. I have come to the conclusion that God wants us to be rich, He said it Himself that he wants us to prosper and be of good health. And I believe that with the right mentality towards wealth, Christians can do so much more for the Kingdom and the nation.
Think about it, these men of God, Noah, Job, Abraham, David, Jacob, Joseph, Solomon, who were not necessarily "major prophets" like Daniel, Elijah, Elisha, Samuel etc but they were all rich and were greatly used by God to influence their community. The Bible says;
Wisdom is better than strength. Yet if you are poor, no one pays any attention to you, no matter how smart you are. Ecclesiastes 9-16
There's very little Christians can do to change this world if we can't change the lives of the ordinary person. If all we do is preach and prophecy but can't heal the sick, feed the hungry, house the homeless, employ the jobless etc then they will hear you preach and prophecy but they will still follow the pagan who answers their immediate needs.
For us Christian, making money or becoming wealthy isn't for the same reasons as the worldly person. The world have selfish motives for becoming wealthy but as a child of God, your wealth should be used to propagate the Gospel. If your wealth isn't used for that, then you are just like that rich fool in the Bible. If you are working your butt off so that you can buy that car, house etc then your motive isn't set right. If you are amassing wealth so that you can bless lives and lead them to Christ, that's what am talking about. If you are amassing wealth so that you can finance Kingdom projects that will change lives and touch souls, that's what am talking about.
On that note, I will want to encourage men of God to devote more time on financially empowering their members. I know the whole talk on prosperity preaching and how alot of Christians don't buy into it and I totally understand why, because it sometimes sounds like the pastor is just trying to enrich himself. But am not talking about that, am talking about preaching on how to make wealth LITERALLY. Investments to make. Jobs to find. Businesses to establish etc. Aside guiding us spiritually, I believe it's their responsibility to also guide us financially. Because the more money we make, the better the church will be financially.
Jesus told us to go into the world and preach the gospel. Just like in Jesus' times, the hungry, the sick, the poor are still with us and they need our help. Jesus fed thousands, healed many and saved alot through that. In this dispensation, money is the language of choice and money can certainly do all that. So in all you do, don't forget to get that paper and let's go win souls for the Kingdom. Shalom ðŸ™
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