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DJ JaySmoke (RJE)posted a blog, Sat, 05 Jan, 2019

DJ JaySmoke - Allah is God (@JaySmoke)

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Someone once asked me, isn't Allah the same as God? Then I remembered what Paul said in Acts 17:23. After going to a foreign land, he saw an altar dedicated TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. These people knew of God yet didn't know God but had created an altar to worship Him how they thought was the right way. Could it be that many of these religions today are worshipping the true God but are doing it the wrong way? It is our duty as Christians to teach all nations, NOT CONDEMN, about the true God and how He wants to be worshipped and served.

May YHWH, Jehovah, Elohim, Allah, HaShem etc give us the wisdom to show His people the right way to please Him. In the name of Yeshua! Amen.



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