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Preachersposted a blog, Tue, 16 Jul, 2013

Preachers spend $15000 on new video and we ask...where is Dennis? @PreachersGH

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The multi-award winning group Preachers had their most recent interview yesterday on Vaisat 1's The One show with Joselyn Dumas and PY! The interview, which was to shed some new light on the achievements of Preachers was attended by Pysch, Emani and Edmund whilst the group leader, Dennis, was absent! Quickly noticing this, PY asked them where Dennis was, but the question was quickly brushed off! Which left me wondering, why couldn't they answer the question? It can be brushed off on live TV but we still want to know where Dennis is! This isn't the first time he hasn't appeared on an event and it leaves many wondering if he is still part of the group. Has he left the group? Is there trouble in the group? I think the fans need to know the truth. Nonetheless, the interview went on, with Preachers talking bout their achievements including their most recent award winning ie Afro Gospel Rap Group at the African Gospel Music Awards, UK! They also dropped hint of a collabo with Tagoe Sisters and maybe Cwesi Oteng! One of the most interesting leak was when Psych revealed that they spent approximately $15000 on their upcoming music video 'E Dey Love me'. The video which is said to have been shot by Nana Asihene features Preachers rolling in very expensive vehicles and the use of sophisticated cameras with RED Technology! When asked what they were trying to portray through the 'expensive' video, Psych said that they just want to show that you can achieve success following God, just as you can doing ungodly things *paraphrasing*! What I dont understand is this, Preachers is painting an image of high standard of living, success, wealth etc in their new video with BORROWED/RENTED items! The cars are not theirs, the venue isn't theirs...everything is paid for, so why would they want their audience to THINK that God has blessed them with such wealth? I don't know if their explanation justifies why they would spend all that money on a video but I think we have to be careful not to follow the world in our efforts to capture the crowd! Many of these secular videos paint these same images that they have money, cars, houses, girls but the truth is, majority of these items are all rented! These things makes people greedy and lust after material things and I hope that's not the impression their latest video will give to the world. What do you think? Leave your comments below! JaySmoke Host | JCCafe



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